Revisiting Contemporary Human Rights Challenges Relating to the Climate Change

Revisiting Contemporary Human Rights Challenges Relating to the Climate Change

Revisiting Contemporary Human Rights Challenges Relating to the Climate Change

Author: Mohammad Minhazur Rahman Sabit, Postgraduate Student in International Human Rights Law, Department of Law & Justice, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Best Citation – Mohammad Minhazur Rahman Sabit, Revisiting Contemporary Human Rights Challenges Relating to the Climate Change, INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LEGAL RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1 (1) of 2023, Pg. 62, ISBN (P) – 978-81-960702-1-2.


Human dignity and equality cannot be waived or taken away since people are all equal, indivisible, linked and interdependent. The legal protection and imposition of responsibilities in connection to actions and omissions, in particular by States and State actors, are significant aspects of human rights. Human-caused climate change has now been proven to have harmful effects on the full enjoyment of human rights beyond any reasonable doubt. Rights to life, self-determination and growth, as well as food and water security and shelter are directly impacted by climate change. However, states are required by the UDHR, ICCPR, and ICESCR to offer an effective remedy in the event of human rights abuses. Legal provisions representing human rights in these treaties have made it clear that these remedies also apply to violations of human rights resulting from environmental consequences. This article will discuss the human rights implications of climate change and the obligations to address the human rights concerns of climate change by referring to the relevant legal provisions and global mandates.